Office pizza parties take a lot of planning and work to create a diverse array of pies for a whole work crew. Therefore, anyone trying to host one of these parties in their office should consider the following pizza choices. Each topping type is split into one of two categories - simple and creative - so choose a handful of pies from each to get the best results.
A good office pizza party should start with some reasonably simple pies, ones that appeal to multiple tastes. Cheese might be a good starter option if more than one employee is picky, but don't buy too many. One cheese pizza is probably enough because most people will want a more diverse array of options. For example, pepperoni pizzas are always a great choice, as many people like this topping.
However, some pizzerias will add a little extra flavoring to simple pies to diversify their taste. For example, a light touch of honey on pepperoni boosts the flavor in surprising ways. Similarly, a sausage pizza often goes well with barbecue sauce and cheddar cheese while bacon goes well with caramelized onions and corn.
Vegetarian pizzas are also essential to consider, including zucchini pizzas topped with pesto and ricotta cheese. A simple steamed broccoli pizza also works well, as long as the toppings include a well-mixed variety of cheeses. And mushroom pizzas provide a solid and protein-rich choice, particularly if the toppings include multiple types of mushrooms layered in various creative ways.
Many vegetarian pizzas pair well with a bed of spinach just on top of the pizza sauce. The spinach adds a little crunch to each slice and pairs well with most types of vegetables. One layer of spinach should be enough.
Though straightforward pizza choices are essential for those with simpler tastes, more creative pizza lovers want more unexpected and exciting options. For example, a Red and White pizza provides a unique spin on a basic cheese and pepperoni pizza by dividing the pizza up into four equal-sized quadrants. Two quadrants get marinara cheese while the other two get ricotta.
The main topping of this pizza is pepperoni with a few mozzarella perlini for flavoring. These simple adjustments create a unique style that adds subtle flavor variations.
However, some of the most creative pizzas don't use meat at all but focus on ingredients that the average pizza fan rarely utilizes. For example, a green pie uses mint pesto, zucchini, cubed mozzarella, and mint leaves. The resulting flavor is a minty and robust explosion.
A similarly veggie-heavy pizza is the Ratatouille Pie, which calls for red pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, and garlic confit. Each of these ingredients is spread across the surface of the pie in concentric rings. This style not only creates a unique flavor but produces a cool and unforgettable look.
And all pizza parties should probably have at least one pie dedicated to anchovies. Though this infamous pizza topping is not to all tastes, some people just can't get enough of the anchovies. Try to include a few extra toppings, such as white onions, on this pizza to give it some more depth. A small pizza is probably all that is necessary because many individuals aren't likely to eat this type of pizza.
Baking all of these pizzas for a party will be a challenge, no matter how many people from work pitch in to help. As a result, anyone trying to host a pizza party of this scope should seriously consider help from a pizzeria. So please make an order with us at Camden House of Pizza to get the best possible range of pizza for the next office pizza party celebration.